The Village Hall and Playing Fields are managed by the users of the facilities and others within the village that are interested in helping to run this important village facility.
Our AGM is held in September each year when the Chair is elected. The Management Committee meets each month to ensure that any issues that arise are promptly dealt with.
Everyone who sits on the Management Committee is a trustee of the charity.
The current Management Committee consists of:
Chair: Jonathon Miller
Treasurer: Diane Tween
Secretary: Louise Clarke
Ken Goudy (Evergreens)
Hannah Rogers (Under 5's / Pre-School Group)
Kerry Baker (Parish Council)
Kevin Swinburne (Cricket Club)
Libby Brooks (PCC and ONCE)
Mark Cross (Salvation Army Football Club)
Roy Balmforth (Sports and Social Club)
Trudy Cameron (Women's Institute)
Sarah Stables (Old Newton United Football Club)
Alastair Ewan (Badminton)
Diane Tween (Elected)
Vaughan Barton (Elected)
Jack Driver (Elected)
Some groups currently do not have a representative on the Committee so if you are interested in joining us please do contact one of us.
Everyone is welcome.